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X-Ray Tube dedicated for Measurement of Concentricity

Nov. 18, 2017


This series of X-Ray tube is applicable for measurement of concentricity by SIKORA instrument and particularly compatible for SKORA X-Ray 8000 NXT in terms of installation dimension and technical specification. The tube is featured with small focal size.

Product Specifications:


Anode Voltage:60kV

Anode Current:2mA

Max Power:100W

Focal Spot Size:100μm

Filament Current :20kV/1mA If≈ 1.7A

Nominal Filament Voltage:≈2.5V

Cone Angle:20°

Window Type:Glass

·       Target:W

·       Dimensions:Ф40x225

·       Approximate Weight:0.9kg


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